Presented chronologically, these entries reflect on how the current pandemic has impacted daily life. Viewed together, they are a global diary and archive of this moment.




Sensorial Releases;
Erratic Blown Pictures

by Ana Vallejo

For months, we have been experiencing collective anxiety. Deep into this pandemic I still find myself worrying. I have worried so much that I am tired. Life has taken a toll on me for the very first time. I realize that I have to let go of my life-long illusion of control. There is only so much we can do in a day -or sometimes nothing at all- to change a situation.

So what to do with all the crushing emotions unbearably bottling up? Allow an unconscious explosion, let it transgress into the outer world. I recommend the following diaries as sensorial ruptures from all the constraints surrounding us. As creations from destruction. I value how they push the medium, exposing the liminality between imagination and reality.


Pixelar Pictures

by Kika Antunes

“This work, in process, started in April and developed from the ambiguity that unites dream and reality.”

The Vals of the Blown Heads/
El Vals de las Cabezas Voladas

by Anita Puchard Serra

"1,2,3... 1,2,3... Brilliant fantasy or blurry memory of a quarantine encounter”

Erratic Reality

by Shannon Elder

“I began making collages reflecting the intense emotions I was feeling, the struggles I was experiencing with my mental health, and the sense of chaos from injustices in the United States.”


Re-adjusting our Frames - Diary Curation #02