Jashim Salam

by Jashim Salam from Bangladesh


It’s a strange time. Life in pause, covid-19 gives a break to the world we know.

Like many other countries, Bangladesh has been in lockdown for 66 consecutive days since March 26, 2020.

All the hustle and bustle of my city has stopped for an indefinite time. It has become a ghost city.

Especially in the evening, it looks like a dead city. Like everyone, including myself and my family, is apprehended, depressed and confused. There is nothing much to do.

I’ve started concentrating on my rooftop garden. Taking care of it everyday. Watching every detail and seeing how plants grow, which is very exciting. Feels like I am helping another life to grow and flourish.

It pays off and my garden is blooming with many different flowers. It makes me happy and I started spending more and more time in my garden. I see my flowers blooming at night which I never noticed before.

I’ve started taking pictures of those beautiful flowers at night. It’s surreal and ethereal.

This quarantine, we see and feel differently our own space and surroundings.



Curated by Svetlana Bachevanova (USA/France)

A collection of self-portraits made by photojournalists from five continents during the unprecedent lockdown due to the corona virus pandemic. 

Photographers are people on the road, living to document the lives of others.

Constrained by the lockdown, many of them had their first  experience of being still long enough to begin seeing and understanding small details about who they are, their lifestyles and values, that were overshadowed while they were busy. These self-portraits express their experience.

This is a unique collection of self-portraits from some of the best lenses in photojournalism at an historic moment.

Photographers in Confinement is a project in process and I welcome additional submissions from photojournalists at svetlana@fotoevidence.com

I am looking for potential exhibition partners in the USA and abroad.

Svetlana Bachevanova is a founder and publisher of FotoEvidence, long time photojournalist and curator.



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