Khaled Hasan

by Khaled Hasan from Bangladesh


It has been a very scarce 2020 for everyone. The world has come to a pause in a path a lot of us have never witnessed in our lifetime. Quarantine, isolation, stay at home, let’s all be well became a common word now. An earth which we never been imagined. 

Despite all these changes, I have been trying to realize the bright side through it all. It’s not been an easy way. Being an introvert; I am at peace being inside my house; but a little part of me is still longing to get out and breathe while also hoping for human interaction. Each of these images have a common theme of being in quarantine, feeling isolated with the outside world, but also some style of hope.  

Self-portraiture to me is simply a way to express my emotions especially when words fail me. When I feel a particular emotion, it helps me to portray that emotion naturally in my portraits.

I created some images to reflect hope. To showcase quietness and peace but yet the feeling of being trapped in ‘something’ that is hard to put into words. I wanted to give an impression of ‘Coming out of isolation’. But also, that I am not quite there yet. Somewhere in between. I feel hidden, but also ‘seen’ in some way. 

I wanted to depict the emotion of being trapped in my own mind. The conflicting messages on social media on staying home, versus going outside is just one example. I wanted to use movement and color here to depict that emotion. 

Unlike many others I have eyes. I cannot see clearly as everyone can, but when I close my eyes to concentrate; an unclear slide goes on, from mind to heart. Sometimes those are dark and gloomy and sometimes brilliant and glorious. A force of dream is an assortment of lights in my eyes. 

My prophetic nerve, growing nowhere from roots to branches or somewhere in, is trying to connect my visuals to the canvas. Some of them get lost and some of them are shy to be connected. But, still never cease to grow.  

In mid-March, I have been exploring my time in quarantine with lighting and develop ways of looking at portraiture. During this time of uncertainty, isolation, and fear, I remembered the human spirit and its ability to overcome obstacles. There are two truths; one controls outer image and other dominates inner self. The two truths wrestle, unceasingly, yet morphing to create me.  



Curated by Svetlana Bachevanova

A collection of self-portraits made by photojournalists from five continents during the unprecedent lockdown due to the corona virus pandemic. 

Photographers are people on the road, living to document the lives of others.

Constrained by the lockdown, many of them had their first  experience of being still long enough to begin seeing and understanding small details about who they are, their lifestyles and values, that were overshadowed while they were busy. These self-portraits express their experience.

This is a unique collection of self-portraits from some of the best lenses in photojournalism at an historic moment.

Photographers in Confinement is a project in process and I welcome additional submissions from photojournalists at

I am looking for potential exhibition partners in the USA and abroad.

Svetlana Bachevanova is a founder and publisher of FotoEvidence, long time photojournalist and curator.


More from this series


Now you see us | Story 3


Now you see us | Story 2